born 1988, Austria

[…] aligning the community with imaginary problems and, ultimately, imaginary enemies is an old tune that the powerful still seem not to have tired of playing. The young people, or those who grow up within such conflicts, are either just as exposed to these toxic narratives, adopt their parents‘ behavior patterns, or begin to take responsibility for something that they could not and cannot do anything about.

Marko Dinić spent his childhood and youth in Belgrade. He studied German and Jewish cultural history in Salzburg and now lives and works as a writer in Vienna. Since 2012, his poems and prose texts have appeared in magazines and anthologies. In 2019, his debut novel „The Good Days“ was published. In it, he tells „twenty years after the bombing of Belgrade, of a traumatized generation that feels understood neither at home nor abroad, that tries to understand its own past and struggles for a future.“ Marko Dinic is co-founder of the art collective Bureau du Grand Mot and organizer of the INTERLAB – Festival for Transdisciplinary Art and Music.